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NEWS 2022

Welcome to our "new old" website!

The website is changing its look. 
This is why not all images and pages work properly yet. 
Work with the website continues and soon everything will work as it should.

But join us on our new adventures in 2022, here on the website.
Exactly what will happen is still written in the stars, but we do have som plans :-)

Enfloy'z 2019 in review

We had a fabulous showyear 2019 with a lot of memorable results. 
Dogs that contributed to the success during 2019 were: Lexus, Olle, Lola, Leelooh, Lotuzz & Iza.
In total we won 20 x BOB, 9 x BOS, 22 x BOB-veteran, 13 x BOS-veteran, 7 x Nordic CAC, 2 x Reserve Nordic CAC, 
2 x Veteran CAC, 3 x CACIB, 9 x winnertitles, 2 x BIG-1, 2x BIG-2, 1 x BIG-3, 1 x BIG-4, 2 x BIS-4, 
1 x BIS 1 vet, 2 x BIS 2 vet, 2 x BIS 3 vet, 2 x BIS 4 vet, 1 x BIS 1 breederclass  

C.I.B NORD.DKUCH NOJV-11 SEV-13 SEV-14 FINV-14 NOV-15 NORDV-15 SEVV-19 KBHVV-19 KBHV-19 NOVV-19 NORDVV-19 NORDV-19 Enfloy'z Remarkable'N Charmant *Olle*

18 x BOB
2 x BOS
20 x BOB-veteran
5 x Nordic CAC
1 x Veteran CAC (Denmark)

2 x BIG-1
2 x BIG-2
1 x BIG-3
1 x BIG-4

2 x BIS-4

1 x BIS-1 veteran
1 x BIS-2 veteran
2 x BIS-3 veteran
2 x BIS-4 veteran

BOB & BOB-veteran at Japanese spitz speciality, July 2019

Swedish Veteran Winner 2019
Copenhagen Veteran Winner 2019
Copenhagen Winner 2019
Norwegian Veteran Winner 2019
Nordic Veteran Winner 2019
Nordic Winner 2019

Japanese spitz of the year 2019
Japanese spitz veteran of the year 2019

Japanese spitz breed speciality show, July 2019,
 94 Japanese spitz were entered.

BOB & BOB-veteran:
Enfloy'z Remarkable'N Charmant "Olle"

BOS & BOB-champion:
Enfloy'z Truly Charmy Lolalee "Lola"

SEUCH Enfloy'z Truly Charmy Lolalee *Lola*

2 x BOS
2 x Best bitch #2
1 x Best bitch #3
1 x Best bitch #4

BOS & BOB-champion at Japanese spitz speciality, July 2019

JS Champion of the year 2019
JS Bitch of the year 2019

Olle - Enfloy'z Remarkable'N Charmant &
Leelooh - Enfloy'z Re'Ginah-Lee My Lady Charm

was BOB & BOS-veteran several times during 2019 among other on Norwegian winner show and JS breed speciality (out of 15 veterans).

They were also BOB & BOS at some dogshows 2019.

Lexus - Plogens La Lacatus Av Tundra

won best male & BOS at Samoyed breed speciality show 
in Furudal , February 2019. 69 Samoyeds were entered.

Lola & Leelooh also daughter and mother 
at Japanese spitz breed speciality show, July 2019

#1 Best bitch: Enfloy'z Truly Charmy Lolalee
#2 Best bitch: Enfloy'z Re'Ginah-Lee My Lady Charm

94 Japanese spitz were entered.

Swedish Winner Show 2019 in Sundsvall.

Plogens La Lacatus Av Tundra "Lexus"

Plogens Keep Her Pleezed "Della"

OLLE * Enfloy'z Remarkable'N Charmant

BOB-veteran, BOB & Group 4
His mother Iza was BOS & BOS-veteran

Eskilstuna, August 2019

OLLE * Enfloy'z Remarkable'N Charmant

BOB & Group-2
BOB & BIS 2 veteran

Märsta, June 2019

Olle - Enfloy'z Remarkable'N Charmant 
won his 70:th BOB in Norrköping, August 2019

OLLE - Enfloy'z Remarkable'N Charmant

BOB, BOB-veteran & Group-1

Gotland Dog Show, August 2019

OLLE - Enfloy'z Remarkable'N Charmant
Japanese spitz of the year 2019 & Veteran of the year 2019

LOLA - Enfloy'z Truly Charmy Lolalee
Champion of the year 2019

We won our 50:th best breedergroup with Japanese spitz, May 2019. 
In addition Enfloy'z breedergroup with Lotuzz, Leelooh, Lola & Olle, won BIS 1 in Sundsvall, October.

SEUCH DKUCH NOVV-19 Enfloy'z Re'Ginah-Lee My Lady Charm *Leelooh* 

3 x BOS
4 x Best bitch #2
2 x Best bitch #3
1 x Best bitch #4
1 x Nordic CAC
2 x Reserve Nordic CAC
1 x Reserve CAC (Norway)

BOS-veteran & #2 Best bitch at Japanese Spitz speciality, 
July 2019

Norwegian Veteran Winner 201

SEUCH Enfloy'z True Charm To My Heart * Lotuzz*

1 x Best male #2
1 x Best male #3
3 x Best male #4

1 x Reserve CAC (Finland)

Pihlajaniemen Tsuki No Hana *Iza*

4 x BOS
1 x BOB-veteran
6 x BOS-veteran
1 x Nordic CAC
1 x Veteran CAC (Denmark)
1 x Reserve CAC (Denmark)

Copenhagen Veteran Winner 2019

SEV-19 Plogens La Lacatus Av Tundra *Lexus*

2 x BOB
1 x BOS
3 x Best male #2

BOS at Samoyed speciality, February 2019

Swedish winner 2019

Olle - Enfloy'z Remarkable'N Charmant &
Iza - Pihlajaniemen Tsuki No Hana

also mother and son was placed as BOB & BOS veteran as well as BOB & BOS several times during 2019. This photo is from Nordic dog show in Lidköping, May 2019. 

Olle - Enfloy'z Remarkable'N Charmant pictured in Ballerup, September 2019 were he won Danish veteran CAC, BOB-veteran, BOB & Group-3 and also two new titles; Copenhagen Veteran Winner 2019 & Copenhagen Winner 2019

OLLE - Enfloy'z Remarkable'N Charmant

BOS, BOB-veteran & BIS-1 veteran

Åland Dog Show, Eckerö, September 2019

OLLE - Enfloy'z Remarkable'N Charmant

BOB, BOB-veteran & Group-1

Sundsvall, October 2019

Iza (Pihlajaniemen Tsuki No Hana) & Leelooh (Enfloy'z Re'Ginah-Lee My Lady Charm) also mother and daughter was on the Norwegian Winner Show's catalog frontpage, 
November 2019

Olle - Enfloy'z Remarkable'N Charmant was BOB & BOB-veteran at Nordic winner show 2019 for the Japanese judge Hiroshi Kamisato. Olle also got two new titles: 
Nordic Veteran Winner 2019 & Nordic Winner 2019.

With this great achievement, Olle became the breed's second (and the only now living) 
BEST IN SHOW 1 winner at an International show in Sweden.




Enfloy'z Kennel - Ewa Werner -Eskilstuna   | | |